WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. The CNPA has considered applications notified to it by the local authorities and on 11 Feb has decided as follows: 1. 09/015/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • While the existence of an Outline Planning Permission for this site is recognised, the CNPA considers that this is an important and sensitive site in the landscape, where issues of impact on natural and cultural heritage in relation to proposed development have arisen before. The proposed house also relates to land management needs and therefore raises issues in relation to social and economic development of the area. As such, the CNPA considers that issues of general significance for the Park’s aims continue to be raised in this instance. 2. 09/016/CP - No Call-in 3. 09/017/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • The proposal is for a house on a site located within the Restricted Countryside Area of the Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan. This policy presumes against new houses unless there is a land management justification. While it is recognised that there may be such a land management justification in this instance, the proposal raises issues in relation to housing in the countryside, precedent, the conservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the area and social and economic development. As such it is considered to raise issues of general significance to the collective aims of the National Park. 4. 09/018/CP - No Call-in 5. 09/019/CP - No Call-in 6. 09/020/CP - No Call-in 7. 09/021/CP - No Call-in 8. 09/022/CP - No Call-in 9. 09/023/CP - No Call-in 10.09/024/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • The proposal is for the construction of 8 no. dwellinghouses on a sensitive site in Nethy Bridge, which is close to natural heritage designations and where there are existing natural heritage features and important local footpath networks. While it is recognised that the site is allocated in the Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan for residential development, the proposed CNPA Local Plan, following representations, proposes that the site be removed from the effective housing land supply and that it be given environmental protection. The proposal is therefore considered to raise issues in relation to the conservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the area, the promotion of enjoyment of the area in the form of recreation, and the social and economic development of Nethy Bridge. As such, it is considered to raises issues of significance to the collective aims of the National Park. 11.09/025/CP - No Call-in 12.09/026/CP - No Call-in 13.09/027/CP - No Call-in COMMENTING ON APPLICATIONS NOT CALLED-IN BY THE COMMITTEE 14.The Members wished to make comments to the Local Authorities on the following Planning Application No’s 09/019/CP, 09/021/CP, 09/022/CP & 09/026/CP. The planning officers noted these comments and were delegated with the responsibility of whether or not to submit the comments to the Local Authorities.